

To deploy a custom Kibana, you need to ask Clever Cloud Support team to enable superuser permissions for your user.


Kibana is the web interface available on the Clever Cloud’s platform to manage your Elastic Stack.

By default, you can enable Kibana when you create an Elastic Stack add-on.

Enable Kibana with your Elastic Stack add-on

Kibana can be enabled at the add-on creation. Choose “Create an add-on” > “Elastic Stack”. Select your plan, applications which will use the Elastic Stack and name the add-on. On the “options” step, enable Kibana. Then, confirm the options and your add-on will start with a Kibana instance.

Customize the Kibana configuration file

The configuration is set with this deployment hook : CC_PRE_RUN_HOOK = curl<your elastic version> | sh

To modify this default configuration (Configuration file for Kibana 8.3.3), you need to host your own config file (we strongly recommend Cellar).

Check other available configuration file on Github

Disable SSO authentication

To disable SSO authentication and use elastic users instead, you need to modify Kibana’s configuration file and CC_PRE_RUN_HOOK in environment variables.

For example for Kibana 8.3.3: CC_PRE_RUN_HOOK = curl | sh

Remember, you need to ask Clever Cloud Support team to grant superuser permissions to your user. After that, you will be able to add additional users via Kibana.

Add custom domain name

You need to disable SSO authentication first. Then, you will be able to add a custom domain name in “Domain name” tab of your Kibana app.

Deploy Kibana on localhost

The Kibana version should match with the ElasticSearch version.

Follow these steps :

  1. Download/unzip Kibana in version which match with your Elastic Stack version
  2. Edit kibana.yml :
    • line 43 : <elastic-addon-host>:443
    • line 49 : elasticsearch.username: kibana
    • line 50 : elasticsearch.password: <password>
    • Launch Kibana (<path_to_kibana>/bin/kibana)
  3. Go to Kibana through the dedicated local address
  4. Connect to ElasticSearch with your Elastic username and password
Last updated on

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