

If you need an example source code, use Theme mini (you’ll need git and Hugo):

git clone myStaticApp

Create a static application

You can create an application in our Console or through Clever Tools:

npm i -g clever-tools
clever login

cd myStaticApp
clever create -t static-apache myStaticApp

To deploy on Clever Cloud, your local folder need to be a git repository (if not, git init) linked to an application. If you already have an application on Clever Cloud and want to link it to the current local folder:

clever link your_app_name_or_ID

Configure environment variables and deploy script

Next, configure the application with a medium build instance to quickly generate static files. The host instance is nano-sized, enough for a simple website. As Clever Cloud is based on standards, you only need to define a few variables:

clever scale --build-flavor M
clever scale --flavor nano

clever env set CC_WEBROOT "/public"
clever env set CC_OVERRIDE_BUILDCACHE "/public"
clever env set CC_PRE_BUILD_HOOK "bash"
clever env set CC_POST_BUILD_HOOK "hugo --minify --gc"

Edit the deploy script ( with this content:


# Download Hugo Extended and place it in a folder in the $PATH
curl --create-dirs -s -L -o ${DEST_BIN}/${FILENAME} ${HUGO_URL}
cd ${DEST_BIN}
tar xvf ${FILENAME} -C ${DEST_BIN}

Push your code

Once you complete these steps, commit your content to the local repository and deploy it:

git add .
git commit -m "First deploy"
clever deploy
clever open

You can display your website’s URL or add a custom domain to it (you’ll need to configure DNS):

clever domain
clever domain add

404 Redirections

Since your are using CC_WEBROOT environment variable, this is where Apache is going to looks for directives. To allow redirecting to your 404.html theme or custom page in Hugo, put the following .htaccess file in your /static folder :

RewriteEngine On
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html

This file will be copied to the root of your web server in /public on build.

Last updated on

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