If you need an example source code, get Cactus (you’ll need git and Node.js):
git clone https://github.com/probberechts/hexo-theme-cactus myStaticApp
For this project to work, don’t import the theme with git clone
but as a submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/probberechts/hexo-theme-cactus.git themes/cactus
Create a static application
You can create an application in our Console or through Clever Tools:
npm i -g clever-tools
clever login
cd myStaticApp
clever create -t static-apache myStaticApp
To deploy on Clever Cloud, your local folder need to be a git repository (if not, git init
) linked to an application. If you already have an application on Clever Cloud and want to link it to the current local folder:
clever link your_app_name_or_ID
Configure environment variables
Next, we configure the application with a medium build instance to quickly generate static files. The host instance is nano-sized, enough for a simple website. As Clever Cloud is based on standards, you only need to define a few variables:
clever scale --build-flavor M
clever scale --flavor nano
clever env set CC_NODE_VERSION "20"
clever env set CC_WEBROOT "/public"
clever env set CC_OVERRIDE_BUILDCACHE "/public"
clever env set CC_PRE_BUILD_HOOK "npm i -g hexo && npm install"
clever enc set CC_POST_BUILD_HOOK "hexo generate"
Push your code
Once you complete these steps, commit your content to the local repository and deploy it:
git add .
git commit -m "First deploy"
clever deploy
clever open
You can display your website’s URL or add a custom domain to it (you’ll need to configure DNS):
clever domain
clever domain add your.website.tld
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