Configuration on all instances

Configuration on all instances

Each instance type (php,java,python,go,ruby…) has its own configuration. However, some of these configuration items can be applied to any instance.

Private SSH Key

If your company manages its own artifacts in a private repository (like, you can only access them via git+ssh or sftp), and you need a private key to connect to the server, you can either set it in an environment variable or commit it in your application’s Clever Cloud repository.

That key will be installed in ~/.ssh/ before the start of the build. So the dependency manager will use it to fetch libs only accessible by ssh.

Please provide a key without pass phrase, or the system will be unable to unlock it

Environment variable

Set your key as the value of the CC_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY variable. If you want it to be saved to a specific file, you can set the CC_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE variable.

Committed file

First, you need to add the file clevercloud/ssh.json, its content is pretty straight-forward:

    "privateKeyFile": "path/to/file"

The privateKeyFile field must be a path to an SSH private key. The path must be relative to the root of your repository.

For example, if your private key file is in the clevercloud folder and is named my_key, the privateKeyFile field will be "clevercloud/my_key".


You can run specific tasks during the deployment of your application.

Please refer to the hooks documentation to learn more about them.


You can run background tasks running in parallel of your application.

Please refer to the workers documentation to learn more about them.

Last updated on

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